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The Guardian (UK) Interview mit RA Pruy 

RA Pruy kritisiert in der britischen Tageszeitung The Guardian Abschiebungen nach Afghanistan und wirft den deutschen Behörden vor, sich nicht an ihre eigenen Regeln zu halten:

However, lawyers defending the man say that he does not fall into any of these categories. “He is not a criminal, is not being observed as a potential terrorist and has cooperated in giving his identification papers,” said Philipp Pruy, an immigration lawyer  who is handling the case. “He is unfairly and callously being sent back but he has not committed a crime and he has cooperated in making sure the government can identify who he is.
Pruy says he hopes to stop the deportation before Wednesday and is appealing against the decision as an emergency case. “In my opinion, it is illegal because it is against what the federal government told us in August this year, that people would only be deported in exceptional circumstances.”
The lawyer fears that his client may be being penalised because the Bavarian government wants to show it is taking a hard stance on refugees. Each state can chose how it applies the government’s deportation policy.

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RA Philipp Pruy LL.M.